Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Picking Up The Pieces

The newest addition to my life is a third job. My buddy Tripp moved back to Michigan about a month ago and left his job at Breeze Ski Rental. I figured I might as well see if I can pick up some hours after school to make up for losing my job at Copper Mountain. Plus, there's a job opening. I talked to Dan (the head manager) and he hooked me with a job as a rental tech right away. It definitely probably helped that I've been off-roading and out to the bars with him a few times since Tripp moved out here.

So now I'll be working 3-close every weeknight at Breeze, Saturday and Sunday at Winter Park, and every other weekday at Summit High School. I'm excited about the rental tech job since I get to actually work on the skis and learn more about tuning and waxing equipment. ALSO, I GET A FREE EPIC PASS (Keystone, Breckenridge, A Basin, Vail, and Beaver Creek). I just need to find some time to use it and wait for my most recent injury to heal.

I wrote about my leg injury in my last entry. I decided to wait it out since the pain subsided considerably. However, the other night I woke up at about 12:30am in excruciating pain and decided to take Kelsey's advice and see a doctor. As it turns out, I have a stress fracture in my fibula - right where the top of my ski boot locks. Luckily (or unfortunately), I've dealt with this type of injury all through college and the end of high school. I'll just keep downing a Ibuprofin and wearing large ski boots til the end of ski season. However, pain killers do nothing for the pain when I'm strapped to my board. Looks like snowboarding will most likely be put on hold for the rest of the season.

So let me introduce to you Kelsey:

I met her over at the Copper call center (she worked in the other room) and she has been so sweet to let me hang around with her for the past couple of months. She just got offered an incredible job at a marketing firm in Colorado Springs and will be moving down there in the next couple of weeks. So it looks like I'll be visiting a new part of Colorado :)

Valentine's Day was quite exciting for me. I got a candy gram from "Mr. Baalerud's fan club" during my 4th period class which included about 30 choir students singing to me and a cup cake, I also received a sucker, a chocolate flower, and a bunch of Sponge Bob fruit snacks. But most importantly, after waking up at 6:00am to -10 below weather at Winter Park, driving to Cheyenne to see the Moran's (Kerry was moving in with her boyfriend), and then back to Frisco to work to work til close, I came home to this :)

Definitely made my day :)

Other than that, we're still waiting for that huge snowstorm. Last week I demoed a pair of Volkl Mantra powder skis (they're really wide, sort of like a water ski so you don't sink into the powder). I hiked up to the top of Union Peak (same place where my stress fracture happened) and cut down cautiously. It was amazing. These skis made me feel like I was floating. Every turn was through knee-deep snow. I got to the bottom and hiked back up. This time I skied confidently and aggressively. I cut into the deep powder and my left ski nailed a huge boulder. My ski immediately ejected and I struggled to regain my balance as I continued to ride about 30 yards down the peak. I began to cut left and clipped another rock and tumbled head over heals for about 30 feet atop of rocks covered with about a 6"-12" of snow. When I finally stopped, I released my other ski and hiked back up to find my ridiculously expensive demo ski (I get free demos from Breeze, definitely don't want to a lose a $700 ski). After about 20 minutes and finding nothing but rocks hidden beneath the powder, I noticed a single track continuing down the trail. About 800 yards down the hill, my ski sat impaled in a drift of snow. I hiked down, strapped on my ski and decided that I need to wait for about 3' of snow before ripping down the back bowls of Copper again.

This is the run where the fall happened.

I also had some good luck make it my way as well. One of my students at Winter Park's dad is the head marketing manager for the Pepsi Center. I was talking to him after his daughter's lesson and he gave me TWO TICKETS to see the RED WINGS play the AVALANCHE on March 1st. The seats are 4TH ROW!!! I've only been to one NHL game in my life and have NEVER been to a Red Wings game. STOKED.

So if anyone wants to send Kelsey and I some Red Wings gear, it would be much appreciated ;)

Life is Good :)