Thursday, May 28, 2009


Wings kicked some ass last night, even with our plethora of injuries!!! We definitely will need Datzyuk and Lidstrom back for the Pens though.

I definitely thought this was entertaining, I received a phone call last night (after I made my last post) about another potential job opportunity. So once again, try to keep up.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Life...try to keep up

Yesterday I went to the Nine Inch Nails (NIN) and Jane's Addiction (JA) concert. It was amazing! This is NIN's last tour and they've been one of the bands that's on my list of must-sees. I wish I could figure out how to take pictures from my phone and post them up on here; I have a couple of sweet videos from the show.

So here's the big update of what's going on with my life for the next few months.

I didn't get hired at any of the schools where I interviewed even though my "interview was perfect" and there was "nothing I should change." So of course, my life went into a state of shock for about a week because I had no idea what I was going to do last year. After being turned down from four schools where I supposedly did all the right things, kind of left me with a feeling of helplessness. So during my week of "shock," I kicked around A LOT of different ideas. Military, back to school, modeling, substitute teaching, a career in business, moving back home, prostitution, moving to California and becoming a surf bum, extortion.... you get the point. However, the one that made the most sense was to go back to school and finish my French degree. I'm only about 9-12 credits shy and it's highly possible for me to finish it in Grenoble (beautiful city at the base of the french-Swiss alps). Since the program wouldn't start until January or February, that leaves me about 5 months of no job, no money, no insurance.... So I've talked with Ryan (head soccer coach at West) and he said that I could definitely stay and JV soccer even if I don't have a job at West. Then I could substitute teach in the districts in and around Denver and possibly pick up a second job. The substitute teaching job would be perfect because it would leave me the flexibility to study for the GRE and prep myself for a master's or PHD program the following year. I could also focus on my level 2 ski certification exam to open up a ski instructing opportunity in the French Alps while I'm studying. Unfortunately, I'll probably have to pick up a third job until ski season back to the service industry I guess.

Now mind you all, this is still up in the air. I would much rather prefer a stable job during the fall and then go back to school, but this looks like the plan of attack thus far.

On top of all this, I did happen to find out some disturbing information from one of the administration teams I interviewed with. Apparently one of my non-reference administrators at West High School has been telling schools I interviewed for that "Andy misses a lot of M0ndays and Fridays BECAUSE he's skiing." Now the first part of the statement is true, but the second part ("because I'm skiing") is completely ridiculous. The fact that an administrator would automatically assume something like that without confronting me (they would have no proof that the reason I missed is for skiing) and potentially jeopardize my future job opportunities is a really big slap to the face. I've missed majority of my Friday's due to Math-CTE and Algebra training which is verified by my administration before granted. There's no possible way to shake this awful feeling from my stomach. This could have been the small flaw to cost me my dream job opportunities in Vail and Steamboat Springs. I've confronted everyone in my administration team (professionally of course) and don't really no what else to do. I just told them to direct any questions about my absences directly to me; since I'm the only one who knows exactly why I was not at work.

Well this is my last week at Denver West High School. I just need to get all my files off this computer and move some posters to the car and summer vacation starts. I'm really excited to go back to Michigan and see my friends and family again. It's been way too long.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pelican Fest

Pelican Fest Triathlon
8th place
26th overall male
May 23, 2009

Last Saturday was my first triathlon of the season. I signed up for this knowing that I would not be in stellar shape and to give me an idea of my fitness level and things to work on.

A brief overview:

It has been raining non-stop in Colorado for about 2 weeks now and was quite cold the day of the race - 55 degrees. The race is in Windsor Colorado (1.5 hours north of Denver - near Fort Collins) and comprised of a 800m swim, 10.something mile bike, and a 5k run. The water temperature was 63 degrees and the rest of the race was on pavement. My friend Tripp from up in Silverthorn decided to do the race as well since he's getting a new ACL in a month. We woke up at 4:00 am to make the 7:55 start time and here's how it went.

Swim - The swim was terrible. First of all the water was so ridiculously cold that it took my breath away for at least the first 5 minutes. However, once I warmed up the water temperature actually felt perfect for racing. My major problem with the swim this time was that I could not swim towards the next buoy for the life of me!!! Every time I peaked my head out of the water I was swimming towards open water and probably lost several minutes due to this. After about 10 minutes of swimming I decided to just stay next to another swimmer to help guide me to the beach. rank 80th 15:53

Transition 1: The transition area completely sucked. It was extremely narrow and crowded, but I definitely learned from last year's triathlon and prepared much better. Last year it took me 3 minutes to transition from swim to bike. This year it took me 2:06 :) However, I definitely could cut off another 30 seconds by attaching my shoes to the bike and using lots of body glide (wetsuits are impossibly to get off your body).

Bike- This was by far my favorite part of the race. I made sure my tire pressure was correct before the race and ripped through the 10 miles on the road. I was not passed by anyone and averaged about 22.3 mph. The course was hilly but quick. rank 39th 27:04

Transition 2: This transition was solid. 1:30 seconds because I left my shoes attached to the bike. There were only a couple people around me at this point, so it was really easy to get to my bike rack, get my shoes on and take off down the road.

Run- The run went quite well despite my fitness level. As usual, the first quarter mile off the bike is ridiculously difficult. Once my legs loosened up, I opened up quite a bit and picked off about 10 to 15 runners. However, I didn't have any chance of catching anybody in my age group, so I didn't push myself too hard. rank 11th 19:08

This was definitely a good way to start out the season. I'm ready to rock the Belle Isle Triathlon in 3 weeks!

Keep posted for pictures!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Well I didn't get any of the 4 jobs I interviewed for....and all were because "another candidate had a little more experience." Each principal said that there was nothing I should change or elaborate more on in my interviews. Sucks.

I have no idea what I'm going to do this upcoming Fall, but right now I'm aiming to finish my French degree abroad Winter Semester and then start/finish my master's degree for the following year or two.

I'm just looking at this as an opportunity to push me back into school.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

End of the Year Insanity

It's the end of the year and everyone is running around with their heads cut-off trying to get organized- including me. I'll make this short and sweet and fill you in this weekend.

I did not get any of the jobs I interviewed for... because of circumstances beyond my control. I'm still waiting to hear from Steamboat.

I had a breakthrough day in my Algebra class today.

Thursday I'm flying out to California for the weekend.

I went snowboarding on Saturday and the Red Wings better dominate tonight.