Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bouncing Back

The rest of the week was great. I had a blast hanging out with Alex and his friends from back home. Tuesday we went over to A-Basin and found a sick spot on the West Wall to bomb down. I swear we had to have made hit at least 50mph. Fortunately we video taped it, unfortunately, it won't load on here. Below are two pictures of Alex after he took a huge spill at about 40mph. It was probably the biggest yard sale I've ever seen. Alex took a bad turn and basically exploded (goggles, poles, skies, hat, everywhere). Luckily, his mild concussion was the only injury of the day.

A day later, he bought a helmet.

I got my job back at Winter Park. I went up Thursday morning with Alex to get my paper work done and show him why I love that resort so much. After about a 4 hours of intense bump/tree skiing and one gnarly cliff huck from Alex, we called it a good end to Alex's week-long visit.

Today I got my hard cast off. Now I have this sweet spider cast for the next 3 weeks. It's washable and removable. So no more itching, accidentally clubbing Kelsey, or writing with my left hand. Three more weeks and I should be back to 100% :)

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