Friday, November 21, 2008

World Cup

Wednesday Ryan and I went to the U.S.A. v Guatemala qualifying game. IT FREAKING ROCKED!

We couldn't contain the excitement and left immediately after school to the game. We tailgated with some guys we met in the parking lot before, met up with Jonny at the gate then headed in. There were actually quite a few Guatemala fans and a ton of U.S. fans (which is quite surprising since soccer isn't that big over here). The U.S. has already qualified for the next round but Guatemala had to win in order to have any chance of winning. However, we still played really hard (since they were the fourth stringers) and ended up winning 2-0. Freddy Adu (19 years old) scored his first goal for the U.S. national team.

This game has totally re-motivated me to start saving up money for World Cup 2010 in South Africa. Ryan's already committed and I already know of two places we can stay for free. So anyone else that is seriously interested should inquire :) Definitely one of the joys of being a teacher - entire summer off to travel abroad.

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