Tuesday, May 12, 2009

End of the Year Insanity

It's the end of the year and everyone is running around with their heads cut-off trying to get organized- including me. I'll make this short and sweet and fill you in this weekend.

I did not get any of the jobs I interviewed for... because of circumstances beyond my control. I'm still waiting to hear from Steamboat.

I had a breakthrough day in my Algebra class today.

Thursday I'm flying out to California for the weekend.

I went snowboarding on Saturday and the Red Wings better dominate tonight.


Alecia said...

The end of the year IS so busy! I didn't even anticipate all that I would need to do! I can't believe that my first year is almost completed, wow. :) Hope the end of your year finishes up well, can't wait to see you!! :)

Betty said...

hopefully at this point next year I'll be knowing what you two are talking about! :)