Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Oh, Where It's All Deformed"

That was the nurse's response to her own question, "where is it broken."

I stood at the top of the terrain park at A-Basin poised to pop a 180 mute grab off the first kicker. Dropped, nailed the trick and stomped the landing then began to set myself up for a switch 180. It happened so fast - my heel edge caught the snow and I was hurled towards the ground with my arm pressed against the middle of my back. My head whipped back and kissed the ground (thank you helmet) and I stood up with a pain in my arm that I haven't felt since I skated down that slide in 7th grade. I caught my breath, unstrapped my board, walked to the side of the kickers, looked at Tripp, "dude, think I sprained my wrist." I sat for about two minutes before my arm started to swell and a feeling of nausea filled my stomach, "shit Tripp, my arm is definitely broken." I lifted my head up and saw two guys standing at the end of the ramp "I think I just broke my thumb" he said to his pal. "Yeah, you did the same thing this guy just did" he responded. Well, not quite....

Tripp helped me strap my board back on and I rode down to ski patrol. After filling out the necessary paperwork and getting splinted up, I put my gear back in my car and Tripp drove me over to the ER. A similar situation to the last time we rode together. Except I was the one providing the moral support while trying to help Tripp piece together the 15 minutes between rocking his head on the ground and meeting me at the base.

Before my x-ray even happened, at least three nurses stated that my arm was definitely broken. After about ten minutes of waiting in the room, Karen the P.A. came in and explained that I had broken my arm in five places. "You shattered your radius and chipped a piece off of the ball of your ulna on your wrist." My heart immediately sank after hearing the word "shatter." I was almost positive that meant surgery; especially after she showed me the x-ray and pointed out the bone fragments in my wrist. However she and the doc both said that "the fragments spread out" which apparently is a good thing? I just can't move my arm or fingers until further notice because of the nature of my fracture(s).

Right now I've got a soft cast on and have to call an orthopedist after Christmas to get the final say on whether surgery is needed and to get a hard cast. It looks as if I'll be in a cast for "a few weeks." Which the doctor immediately followed up by saying "a few weeks to you means three, but to me it's 8 to 10." What a dick haha.

Despite my misfortune, I'm keeping my head up and am still in good spirit. I arrived home and was greeted with a feast, a very strong eggnog, and Kelsey stopped by after work with brownies and a bag filled with ALL of my favorite candy. I also get some really gnarly drugs to kill the pain.

Percocet is a trade name of Endo Pharmaceuticals for a narcotic pain killer used to treat moderate to severe acute (short-term) pain. The active ingredients of Percocet are oxycodone and acetaminophen.

Percocet side effects

  • shallow breathing, slow heartbeat;

  • feeling light-headed, fainting;

  • confusion, unusual thoughts or behavior;

  • seizure (convulsions); or

  • nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, itching, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).

Less serious Percocet side effects include:

  • feeling dizzy or drowsy;

  • mild nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, constipation;

  • blurred vision; or

  • dry mouth.

The dry mouth definitely happened almost immediately after taking one pill, however drowsiness never happened - even after two pills. Unfortunately I was up til 2:30 am and had to
to be at work at 7. Did I mention it was my right arm? Brushing your teeth with your opposite arm is quite difficult.

I managed the rest of the day with no pain until around 2:30. So I popped two pills and within a half an hour felt extremely drunk, hence the side effects I listed above. Those will be the last I ever take, even though I was fairly entertaining for the next two hours of work.

Unfortunately the printer was down so I have no pictures of the break. I'll post some after I see the orthopedist - hopefully by Monday at the latest.

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