Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So I some how managed to get sick Sometimes I just don't understand how it happens, I haven't been around anyone that's sick, i've eaten perfect and had plenty of sleep. Oh wait, I'm around 100's of kids every single day, shit. So yesterday I went to Red Rocks to do my "hill" workout (more like a mountain climb). It went very well - I even iced afterwards!

On a high note, my buddy Tank (Nate Chouinard) finally had his baby! Thank god, Auna was due about 2 weeks ago. Can you believe it, another Chouinard and a baby Tank. Congratulations buddy. I also got offered a job at Gold Arrow Camp in California! The pay is really good, I'd be working as a group counselor, and get to live for free at 7000ft. Think of how good this would be for my training. I'd even get reimbursed for my transportation out there. The only bad thing is that I wouldn't see any of my family or friends from back home for the entire summer - camp starts June 16 and ends August 18. So hopefully the summer teaching position in Rochester works out.

Other than that, I guess not too much has happend in the last few days. Progress reports are due tomorrow, so I have about 75 tests to grade before tomorrow morning. So on that note, back to grading.

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