Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Endings

So I don't know what happened today, but ALL my students brought their A game.

Geometry - My students are learning proofs which has proved to be a struggle for everyone that goes through West. I think it's really difficult because of the language barrier (they all speak English as a second language) and the fact that students aren't often asked to explain "why" or what they are doing. However, today we went through flow chart proofs and everything clicked. I asked the students to walk me through it and they were remembering all their conjectures (i.e. vertical angles, triangle conjectures, AIA and even CPCTC!!) Now I know this may not mean very much too anyone reading this except Aunt Sue, but just know that this is completely different than any other math high school students are expected to do.

Algebra - Finally the students grasped how to solve linear equations. I've been working with "undoing" equations and the distributive property for 2 weeks with little to no turnover - until today! I asked EVERY SINGLE STUDENT in the class at least 2 questions about solving equations and had them walk me through it. We had about 4 or 5 different ways (each of them came up with) to solve a single equation. You can call me a huge loser, but it seriously almost brings a tear to my eye thinking about it right now. I had about 5 teachable moments today (when students ask you a question that leads to a huge discussion)!!!

On another note, the students decided to protest against the dress code at our school (which is very strict) that involves wearing West High School t-shirts/sweatshirts. Now I came into school this morning with an email warning (Students are having a dress code protest, we don't know what we're going to do about it, so stay tuned). Here's how I handled it.

"Well it looks like quite a few of you have decided to protest the dress code, so here's how its going to work: I think its great that you guys are working together to accomplish something and make a statement, but you all must realize that consequences come from protesting. So here's what's going to happen, all of you not wearing proper dress code attire, move to the right corner of the room and be prepare yourself for you pop quiz. If you would like to not take this quiz, simply put your uniform shirt on."

Not more than 10 minutes later, one of the administrators walks in my room and in a stern voice "everyone not in dress code stand up and come with me to the auditorium!" The students who just put on their uniforms look up at me, laugh and say "thanks Mr. Baalerud." hahaha

Anyway, I can't wait for this weekend. I think we have a pretty good crew going into the mountains for some heavy (hopefully) shreddin'.

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