Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Taking Out the Trash

After sitting around for the past seven days, afraid to move my arm, I really needed to get out and do something active. Behind my house there's a trail that leads to the top of Mt. Royal that I've been aching to climb. So I packed up my bag, grabbed my camera and started my trek.

As I stumbled along the snow covered trail, I couldn't help but smile and think: "thank God this year is over."

Looking back at 09'

January was a month I had been anticipating for almost a year. Unfortunately, it was a time of frustration that ended in heartbreak. I decided to leave my job at West High School for reasons that I realize now were completely flawed.

I did enjoy a trip to the Western slopes of the Colorado Rockies and my amazing opportunity to teach my students how to snowboard at Echo Mountain.

I also had a blast road tripping to Phoenix and partying with the family at Ryan's wedding. Not to mention making a new friend and experiencing Taos, New Mexico for my PSIA level 2 skiing exam. Unfortunately, I failed all three disciplines by .2 points and lost $550.

For some unknown reason I thought I could afford a trip to China (at the time I could) and committed to an incredibly expensive experience (which I wouldn't change for anything). I just didn't expect to go through interview after interview with opportunities for the jobs of my dreams only to be brought down by the lack of support that seems to always be attached with Denver Public Schools.

Before leaving for China, I had a ridiculous weekend with some of the best friends I could ever ask for. After that, I decided that some people never change and I can't keep fighting for a relationship where I'm the only one fighting.

I came back from China to a financial situation I could not cope with, no job, discovered that I had no support from my admin, and a familiar phone call - the possibility of the relationship I've been patiently (sometimes desperately) waiting for.

"Seasons change but people don't." That familiar phone call led to a familiar situation. However, this was different. I had never been treated so poorly from anyone in my life, never felt used. Any feelings of hope, love, or compassion were sucked out of me. I was cold and numb. My three year battle was over. I have no more emotional baggage and am ready to move forward with my life. She is gone, erased.

Moving into 2010:

Breaking my arm was pretty much the last straw of this stupid year. However, it's only a minor set-back. I'm starting the new year with my dream job at Summit High School, no surgery, and a great new network of friends. "You always end up landing on your feet." Thanks Kathy :)

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear
This is my December
This is my snow covered home
This is my December

Dinner party tonight (I'm making baked brie) with the roomies, Ryan and his friend from Denver, and Kelsey (girl I've been hanging out with for the last month or so). Time to bring in 2010 with some good ole shenanigans.

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