Sunday, April 27, 2008


So Friday I was supposed to hang out with Ashley (I went to high school with her and now she goes to DU), but after the Pistons were completely massacred, I was too depressed to do anything. So I called it a lazy night.

Saturday morning I drove out to Bear Creek to do my long run. It was about 50 degrees when my run started and was 30 degrees and snowing like crazy at the end of it. I was really happy that I decided to bring a long sleeve shirt. Then about 2 hours later, I met up with Ashley to go watch the Wings game and it was about 55 and sunny again - craziness.

Oh! I almost forgot. There are prairie dogs everywhere at this park, and not in fenced in area like the Detroit Zoo. It's so cool to see some of this wild life just chilling everywhere. There's also rattlesnakes (kind of scary to see during runs), coyotes and a millions different species of birds. I love it :)

So we went to this bar called The Tavern which is pretty high class. They had fireplaces and tons of flat screens. So the Wings absolutely destroyed the Avs which made for a good start of the night.

After the game, we went out to dinner and then met up with a friend (Ryan: history teacher) to go to a BINGO party. So I guess this guy throws these epic parties a few times a year. He takes all the money that people pay for the cover and donates it to charities - pretty sweet. So he rented out this entire bar and we ended up playing BINGO for about 3 hours. It was pretty awesome but stressful at the same time. I don't know how all those old ladies do it all the time. You've got to have a lot of mental endurance and a lot of focus, especially when you have to black out the board. After losing 6 games of BINGO, two live bands played and my night was complete.

"You got two boards, that's smart! Now you have a way better chance of winning"

"It's not worth it, the stress is way too high."

-Nick (random guy we met at the bar)


Alecia said...

It sounds like the bars out there are a small step up from the bars in Key :)Although getting to meet King Triton, Mr. Miagi, and Zach Morris was quite awesome. And the girl with no bra loved your BOOBS shirt, so I guess it all paid off in the end. :)

Andy Baalerud said...

ah yes, toucher