Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Unfortunately the Chill program has come to an end. Friday was our end of the program banquet and yesterday was our last day going up to the mountain. I'm actually quite sad. It was such an amazing experience for our kids to get a chance to do something that is usually only for wealthier people. My students made so many friends and actually became very good snowboarders. Miguel for example, was going off fun boxes all day yesterday, Ruben keeps asking me to hook him up at Winter Park next year, and Seth is competing in the Jib Jam this weekend. I really hope I have the opportunity to do this program in future.

I also gained a lot from this program as well. I made many new friends and have gotten way better at riding - I can do a 360 now :) Yesterday after we finished riding, I went out with Scott (one of the coordinators) and some of the volunteers to grab a drink. Scott was really pumped to hear that I was going to China. Before he started doing the Chill program, he taught in Japan, China and South Africa. He definitely gave me a lot of good advice which made me even more stoked to travel abroad this summer!!!

Besides that, not much else is going on. Just finishing up this week and can't wait for Spring Break!! I leave for Phoenix on Thursday, Taos on Sunday and San Francisco on Thursday :)

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