Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Couple Opportunities

Nothing too exciting this week or last weekend for that matter. I rode at Echo on Friday night (kicked my ass) and Copper (knee deep powder) this weekend, but was way too exhausted to make it to Vail on Sunday. Ended up going back to Denver and went hiking in Golden with Heather (which motivated me to get my butt back into shape).

It's definitely time for me to start working hard at getting into triathlon shape. I did a half mile swim on Monday and somehow almost pr'd (personal record), then did a 70 minute long run up Green Mountain. My legs and body are exhausted, but that's just how it goes when you're trying to get back into shape.

So I've finally had a couple of possible opportunities for jobs. Battle Mountain High School sent me a series of questions about cross country coaching and I should hopefully be in contact with Human Resources about other job opportunities in DPS. You all know my feelings about DPS, so hopefully a few mountain opportunities will come out of the wood works.

Today I'm meeting up with the running group I used to train with last year then possibly doing some night skiing under the full moon, should be pretty sick with all the new snow we've been getting :)

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