Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting Back on Track

Yesterday was supposed to be the biggest full moon of the year, and it was!!! Except it was hidden behind the clouds for most of the night, hence I didn't get to do any moonlight riding.

However, I did end up getting in a quick 1/2 mile swim before my run with the Denver Trail Runners (DTR). Somehow I managed to miss my pr by only 2 seconds?!?! I don't know what I was doing during the off season, but somehow I managed to stay in swim shape without running, biking or swimming. So everyone should take note: snowboarding, skiing and eating McDonald's is an aerobic workout similar to swimming.

After the swim, I booked it to Bear Creek Lake park to meet up with DTR for the first time since last May. I run with them for three reasons: they help me keep my competitive edge, give me people to run with and let me know what kind of shape I'm in at the beginning of the season. I definitely started out the run very controlled since it was my 3rd consecutive day running in two months or so. After about the 15 minutes the group starts to break off into sub-groups. I decided to give it a shot and go out with the first group and it turned out well. We climbed Mount Falcon (about 800 ft climb) and I felt awesome. I ended up finishing at tempo pace, but felt awesome :) :) :)

Yesterday inspired me to start checking out the upcoming race schedule. I'm doing a 12k trail/river run on April 27 and doing the Detroit Olympic Distance Triathlon on June 14.

Stay tuned to my weekend activities, Sunday I have my first soccer game (I don't remember if I posted this already, but I'm playing for a team sponsored by Coors- ha ha) and tomorrow I plan on snowboarding at Winter Park.

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