Friday, August 22, 2008


Well it's finally the end of an incredibly stressful week. Between balancing out training, practice, work and figuring out what to do with my incredibly large classes and my online gradebook not working, this week has left me very high strung. On top of that, my phone charger has not yet arrived - making it impossible for me to use my phone for more than 30 minutes a day. Usually it's nice to not have a fun and be relaxed, but I also have no internet and have no way of contacting places of importance (Colorado Department of Education, Student Loan Lenders, Banks, Credit Card Companies) as well as people that are important to me (please accept this as an apology).

So my Geometry class has 45 students in it. I have not figured out a way to fit them comfortably in my small classroom. Today I had two students sitting on top of my desk, another in the chair for my desk, and another on a stool. Apparently every Geometry section is like that right now(good thing we cut that extra math teacher we didn't need). My 3rd/4th period Algebra class has 36 students (which is way too many for a freshman class with huge learning gaps) and my final class has 22 students and are all high achieving. So needless to say, my last class is easiest to teach.

On a lighter note, I'm doing a 10k run with Ashley tomorrow and am pretty pumped for it. My triathlon training has been pretty stellar so we'll see how that converts to a straight up run. Besides that, i'm really looking forward to some R and R this weekend. I definitely need to catch up on some sleep and do some laundry like whoa!

Another sad note... It looks like none of the international employees will be returning next year to Winter Park :( That means I lose about 80% of my friends from up there and a lot of the craziness. I heard last year that there were some problems with work Visas. I guess all I can do is hope for the best.

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