Monday, August 25, 2008


So I had a pretty productive weekend which was nice after last week's calamity. I actually got quite a bit a accomplished.

Saturday morning I didn't end up running that 10k (which was a good thing, my legs felt terrible on Friday). However, I did manage to get a 6 mile night run in on Friday and about 70 mile bike ride on Saturday, woo hoo!

I woke up and decided to go on about a 2 hour bike ride, but after I finished a loop around the Cherry Creek reservoir (about 55 min), I thought it'd be pretty sweet to ride to Red Rocks. When I arrived I still felt pretty sweet so I biked up the foothills to Lair of the Bear (see post from June) and got to bomb down one of the mountain roads. It was awesome, it gave me that rush I get when I go skiing. The speed limit on the road is like 25-35mph for cars, which is easily surpassed on the bike. That night was pretty uneventful, just chilled and watched the men's marathon over a glass of wine (haha so sophisticated). Here's the map of my ride(sorry for the terrible quality):

Sunday I was supposed to meet up with Ashley about 3-4 miles into her run. However, I had some trouble finding our meeting point and eventually had to ask for directions. The security guard told me to go to a nearby park where "a bunch of trails meet." So I parked my car and asked a lady who was walking 5 dogs where the High Line Trails was. She said that we were on it. Now this is a little odd because it looked like a sidewalk and High Line is a large dirt trail. Whatever, I took her word for it and tried it out. Of course, it was just a little loop that went around a playground and soccer field. So I started running in the direction I thought the trail was in and ended up going through the Denver Tech Center for about 30-40 min. Finally I found a park with a map that showed where the trail was. So 50 min had gone by of my 14 mile run and I had just found the trail. So I went about 5 min down the trail (random direction) and actually ran into Ashley, SWEET! I ended up finishing the run with some pretty good splits (sub 7), took Ashley home (she had done 18 miles and if she didn't run into me would've ended up doing about 20).

After the run I turned in a decent swim at the YMCA and just ran some errands the rest of the day. I think i'm going to pick up another job at the Runner's Roost to try and fund my triathlon training. It'd be a sweet place to work (all runners with athletes as my customers) and would definitely help me network with some sweet athletes (and get better). I talked to the manager yesterday and I would only need to work weekends. I'll keep everyone updated on how that goes.

That night I went out to dinner at an authentic mexican restaurant and got my meal for $3 because it was happy hour! I was craving mexican food all week, so a pretty good end to it all.

This week may be pretty crazy. The staff has been briefed about all these different lockdowns and procedures we might have to go through if there are protests near the school. West is located about 1 mile from the capital building and DNC is here. Since that's considered a matter of national security, "we may have to go under lockdown and even evacuate the school." My guess is none of this is going to happen, but some of our administration is freaking out and telling us that we may have to "camp out at the school for multiple days incase the feds decide to quarantine the block." Maybe it's just me, but that might be a little ridiculous...but sweet at the same time if it happens ;)

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