Friday, August 29, 2008

Olay Olay Olay Olay

So the Varsity soccer team won it's first game yesterday 9-0!!! Granted the team we played wasn't very good, but I still thought our guys played fairly well. It definitely brought back old memories terrible referees, adrenalin rushes as you pound a shot into the back of the net, watching the opponent go flying through the air after a perfectly timed tackle and the sweet taste of victory.

Back at school, pretty much all of the teachers are extremely stressed and frustrated. Everyone for the most part feels like their voice is not being heard and not enough is being done about the overflow of students in core classes. Supposedly everything will be balanced out by September 5th. However, that will make things tricky considering the students will have already been in one class for 3 weeks and then will be expected to switch to a possibly completely different class environment and method of teaching. More to come on that..

My training has been going very well this week. I did some reading on the race for next weekend and definitely felt a little bit of the race jitters. I'm seriously pumped for this. This morning I woke up at 5 and biked to the YMCA, did 1000m swim then immediately hopped back on my bike for 12 miles to school. I felt amazing in the pool and on the bike afterwards. I think I finally got back into swim shape. I just need to keep it up for this next week.

I'm really looking forward to relaxing this long weekend. Although last year's events were definitely exciting (getting the boat stuck on the side of house, pulling out the emergency bottle of tequila to erase any feelings of guilt, watching Aunt T fall into the livewell, etc..), I really just want to focus on training, kick it with Duemling on Saturday (he's in town), bbq all day Monday, and most importantly - grade a million papers and prep for the next few weeks of school. If everything goes well this weekend, this should be exactly what I need.

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