Thursday, December 4, 2008

Being the Student

So today I have a formal evaluation of teaching :) I'm actually really excited, I've worked here for a year now and this is the first time somebody will actually be sitting in on my classroom and giving me some feedback. I think this is one of the most important pieces of being an excellent educator, so wish me luck!

Last night was a blast, I really miss hanging out with Erica. I picked her up after work and we went over to watch a couple of my students' wrestling match. Unfortunately one of my favorites lost (but he was up against one of the top students in the state) but it was the first wrestling match I've ever been too - and it was pretty cool. Afterwards we went out and grabbed a drink and some food to catch up on the past year or so. Good times :)

On another note, I've rediscovered coffee. I can completely understand why so many teachers drink it. I have way too much energy right now and don't know what to do with it. I've already completely prepped myself for the entire school day....and the next three days to follow. Great, I'm on drugs.

It's snowing in Denver!!!!

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