Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Return of the Hairy Buffalo

So I almost completely forgot that one of my really good friends from Grand Valley is going to be out in Denver this week training for her new job! Erica and I were on staff as R.A. together and I haven't seen her for like a year. She just moved from L.A. out to Arizona and for some reason has training in Denver. My last memory of when her and I hung out was her chugging majority of a Hairy Buffalo at a crappy bar in Grand Rapids and falling a sleep in her high heels. So I think tonight we'll take it a little easier and maybe just go get dinner.

Unfortunately I've been under the weather since Saturday or Sunday - which would explain why I felt so crappy at the end of snowboarding. I also decided to put in 90min of intense training on Monday which definitely put me on my ass for the night and all of yesterday. However, I do feel a little better today and will be taking it very easy the next couple of days so I can be close to 100% for this weekend.

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