Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Long Weekend

Last weekend provided me with a chance to take another little vacation, see some old friends and watch Sam graduate from college. I flew out extremely early on Friday morning and hung out with Carp for pretty much all of Friday. It was great to see him along with other friends that are still hanging around the west side of the state. I definitely planned on this weekend being a time of relaxation and maybe catching up on some lost time, but turned into a weekend of stress and no sleep.

Saturday we went out to breakfast before Sam walked and the eggs at Big Boy were definitely not cooked properly. I spent the remainder of the day trying not to throw-up until it finally overtook me around 6 o'clock that night. I spent the next 13 hours sleeping.

Sunday I felt fine when I woke up but still had absolutely no appetite. I grazed pretty much the entire day and just took it easy. Monday I flew out at 5:50am (terrible idea by the way) and still had no appetite. I forced myself to eat later on that day and struggled to keep it down. Once I got back to Denver I decided that I really needed sometime to recover mentally and physically. So I packed up my car, went to the chiropractor and drove up to the mountains for some night riding.

It was closed. For some reason Keystone only has weekly night skiing during the first few weeks of the season, then changes it to only weekends. So I basically drove 2 hours up the mountain to gear up and walk to the Gondola and hear "we close at 4." To make this trip not a complete waste, I met up with my friend Carly for a little while before making the trip back down the mountains.

The drive home was complete hell. A huge snowstorm rolled in and added about 30-45 minutes of driving to the return trip. I definitely should have stayed up in the mountains, called in sick(for safety reasons of course) for one day and spent all day today riding the pow .

Well here I am today, just finishing off the week. The students are using this entire week for review (which is good because I still have no appetite and am still feeling quite a bit under the weather).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feelin better, maybe your body was just angry that you were here all weekend instead of riding...