Monday, September 1, 2008

Enjoying a little R and R

So this weekend has actually been pretty phenomenal thus far.  After practice on Friday, I headed home to drop off the LOADS of papers I had to grade, then headed over to Rae's house to play some Texas Hold Em'.  This was exactly what I needed, just a chill night - drinking some wine and rocking out to Alice in Chains.  And to top it off, I ended up getting some really good cards on the river and won!  Normally this would be awesome, except I've given up "partying" until after my race next weekend and won free drinks from everyone at the table.  But we just ended up going down the street to the Park Tavern and I behaved.

Saturday morning I woke up early, cleaned my apartment and headed over to Sniagrab ("Bargains" spelled backwards).  This is one of the many things that is so amazing about this state.  Every year sports authority has this enormous sale where they sell all the left over ski/snowboard equipment from the previous season.  THERE IS SO MUCH LEFTOVER GEAR, more than I could've fathomed.  It opened at 8am on Saturday and was packed with people.  All the radio stations in the area were there and all the Colorado ski resorts had reps giving away lift tickets and promo items.  It was pretty awesome, besides all the amazing deals (everything is 50-70% off) it was just cool to hangout with all the skiers and riders that were already getting anxious for the upcoming season.

So my purpose for going up here was to get some boots and bindings for my new board I bought last season.  I ended up getting some sweet Flo bindings and some Burton boots (pictures below) and of course I bought another beeny (you can never have enough).  Check out the pictures below.  As I walked out, one of the bag checkers notified me that I spent enough money to receive a free lift ticket to Loveland (one of the first resorts to open) and a shit ton of coupons to A-Basin (the other resort that opens very early into the season).  So my first experience at Sniagrab was pretty epic.

Later on I met up with Andy Duemling (one of my buddies from GV) who had been hanging out with some family up in the mountains.  So we went and checked out The Taste of Denver and bar-hopped until about 2 a.m. with Ashley.  It was pretty awesome catching up with Andy and just talking about our future in the next couple years.  It's exciting to hear about so many people thinking of moving out here in the next few years (Goat, Carly, Duemling, Sam). I like the idea of my friends having the same experiences I have in the move to God's country :)

Sunday was a pretty low key day for me.  I just chilled and got all my papers graded, watched a couple of movies, cleaned and prepped for the following week.  I took took a couple of breaks: ran back up to Sniagrab and picked up some sick bindings for Samantha, went running and found a stray puppy and did a little grocery shopping.

So that about sums up my exciting weekend.  I'm heading over to a party later on tonight and just found The Sword in the Stone.  Can't get much better than that eh?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for including me in your blog bro. I feel honored : ) That was a good night.