Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pushing through

So this last week or so has been quite busy and due to a single weeknight of fun, I was sick for about 3 days.

Wednesday last week I got a call from my cousin Julie who just so happened to be in Denver on a business trip. So I met up with her and had a few drinks and did not end up returning home until about 3:00 am. Oh wait, I didn't return home because somebody stole my keys off the sideline at my soccer game that day, sweet. So I actually ended up sleeping on Rae's couch. Luckily, the package with my spare car key that my grandparents sent arrived in Denver on Monday. However, it went to my old address. Thus I had to borrow a friend's car, drive to the old pad, get the box with my car key and then head back up to school before I could drive my car anywhere. Thank God that box finally arrived...

The next morning I woke up completely congested and with the worst headache in the world. Needless to say, it was a rough day at work (luckily it was a late start and we had Friday off). So I basically spent Thursday through Saturday watching movies and popping Zinc supplements to kick the cold.

Sunday I felt awesome so I went for a short 6-7 mile run and put in about 30 miles on the bike. I took it up to the shop and got some modifications done on it, so I can really cruise! I also received THREE packages on Saturday (bike equipment from the family, car keys/phone charger from grand parents, and a box of cookies and muffins from Sam)!!! It was like Christmas :)

So things that are happening right now and the upcoming future:

Currently I am trying to get a group together for a trip to France during Spring Break. I have A TON of potentials and I get to go for free as a group leader if I get 6 students (or adults) from anywhere to partake. If I have 10 students sign-up and pay the initial fee by Oct. 1, I get to go to an orientation in Paris for a weekend!!!! So tomorrow I have the big parent meeting, so keep your fingers crossed.

October 10 - I'm flying into Chicago and riding with my friend JP back to Grand Valley to hangout with Sam and go to the homecoming football game. I'm pumped to head back to my Alma mater and see some old friends.

Last week in October - It's been confirmed, the old man is flying out to Denver for a weekend of Skiing and intense bar-hopping (haha just playing). A-Basin and Loveland should be open for the season and I'm just excited to have somebody come out and see me (especially from my family).

Last but not least, everything back at school and life is starting to settle down quite a bit. I'm beginning to find much more free time as I get into a routine at school and have severely cut-down on my training (I took about 1 week completely off). But I'm starting to pick back up on the training and just in a better mood that fall is finally starting to set-in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Andy, Please add me to your blog list. Aunt Lori sent this to me and I am on the road and I truefully do not know if you have to add me or if I can add myself. Hope all is well. Uncle Tom