Friday, September 5, 2008

Race Jitters

Wow, I'm so excited for the race tomorrow. Somehow I've managed to stay fairly focused at school and come up with some pretty good lesson plans for the students. However, I can't stop thinking about my first Tri tomorrow.

However, my training has been nothing close to stellar this week. With soccer games, meeting, practice, teaching, etc.. I've logged in a total of 14 miles running, 2k swimming and 12 miles on the bike. Earlier this week I've definitely felt like I've been coming down with a cold, so I sacrificed training for sleep and relaxation to successively (so far) fend it off. And on top of that, the weather broke. It is officially Fall. I swear to God I actually saw some snow flurries during lunch today....great! That swim at 8am tomorrow is going be like stepping into an ice bath. Thus, I'm going to have to break down and buy a horribly expensive wetsuit to thwart off hypothermia and pulled muscles.

But...I have so much adrenalin right now that none of that even matters. I've decided to cut practice down to one hour today so I can get my race packet early and prep for the big day. I know there's a million other things to write about right now, but this is all that's on my mind.

Well, the snow flurries definitely got me pumped for ski season. I can't wait to take out the new board and tear up some fresh Fall powder.

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