Friday, May 30, 2008

Closing Time

Well I've been extremely busy this past week trying to move classrooms and close everything out for the year. So we'll start with Labor Day weekend and work from there.

The new Indiana Jones movie was actually quite good but not as awesome as the sushi I had afterwards. I wish I was rich and could afford to eat it all the time. The restaurant was called Wasabi's. It was very contemporary and had delicious food.

Saturday and Sunday I went over to Jonny's, grilled all day and went out to the bars at night. BBQing is probably in my top 5 for summer activities. Towards the end of Sunday the clouds rolled in from the mountains and gave Denver some cooler rainy weather for the next few days. A little gloomy, but a nice change from the dry heat we've been having lately.

Tuesday I watched the Bourne Ultimatum which is a such a bad ass movie. It inspires me to become an assassin...minus the whole killing people part.

Wednesday I almost forgot that I scheduled my first dentist appointment in about 3 years. Needless to say, I was pretty scared about what he/she was going to say. I noticed that one of my bottom teeth is a little discolored and though for sure it was a cavity. However, while the assistant was checking me out, she said it was just a wear (probably from grinding) and that I had amazingly clean teeth....woo hoo!! Wait hold the phone though, Doc comes in and tells me the same things but a minor cavity where I had previously had a filling. I HATE getting fillings. It's probably the most uncomfortable span of time ever....grinding and drilling and poking...yuck.
After the mining operation in my mouth, I jetted over to the soccer fields and played some ultimate frisbee.

Yesterday was the end of the year teacher party so all of us went over to a place called Armida's and sang karaoke. Now I was quite intimidated since majority of the teachers I work with can all sing...very well!!! But with a little liquid confidence, I went up on stage and rocked Outkast (of course only about 5 of us actually knew the song).

Later that evening I met up with DTR and did an amazing run in Golden (South Table Mesa I think it was called). The first mile took us almost 12 minutes since the climb was so intense. I'm guessing we topped it off at about 7000+ feet. There was a killer turnout to the run today. Probably over 50 people and even more for the party afterwards! So I got some grub and had a few brewskies with the runners and called it a night.

So now we come to today. So many teachers freaking wait til the last day to move and it pisses me off. Everyone automatically assumes that I'm going to help them move everything since I'm so young. Thursday I moved about 7 file cabinets which (no kidding) weigh about 500 lbs a piece with all the crap these teachers throw in them. Today wasn't much different, I broke down and stored 3 book cases with about 1000 books on them for the foreign language department, moved another file cabinet and helped move enough desks and chairs for two other teachers' classrooms. So I guess I learned my lesson, if you get all of your stuff done early, you will be expected to help everyone else out as well.

Okay, so normally this wouldn't be TOO big of a deal, except I need to move everything out of my house by tomorrow, put it in storage and pack up everything I'll need for back in Michigan. Well I'm thinking I need to get some food and prep for the Pistons now. I'm pretty much set to move out and can't wait to see Deener in 6 days!!!

I'm guessing I won't have access to a computer or make too many posts in the next couple of week since my pc will be stowed, I'll be traveling around Colorado, back to Michigan, and then to Florida :)

See you all soon!

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