Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Feeling a little more grown-up

Yesterday was graduation at West, so I left school during my last planning period to get a nice 8-9 miler in the 90 degree and met up at the bar with the teachers for the pre-party. After a couple cherry bombs, I dropped Faith off at the Rockie's game then met up at school to walk to graduation.

So here's the part where I feel grown-up, I get a gown with one of those hoods on the back to show that I have a college degree, pretty exciting huh? So they play the ceremonial song and we get to chill in the back of the stage while all the students and parents cry. I only had one senior graduating so it wasn't as sentimental of a moment as for the other teachers. However, it did bring back a flood of high school memories.

Well just two more days of school left...unfortunately they will be incredibly boring since all the students are just taking exams. I'll have to bring a good book or something.

Quote from my only graduating senior:

"That's not rude, that's baale-RUD" in a Minnesota accent (he thinks I talk like the guys from Fargo)

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