Friday, May 9, 2008

What an amazing day..

Words cannot describe how awesome this place I went running was, so I'll have to explain with pictures. (Thursday)

So I met with DTR and went to a place called Lair of the Bear. Most amazing run ever, this so far is my most epic workout so far. It starts out on that little trail, turns into a one track along a river then cuts through a canyon and up one of the foothills. I had a killler workout as well. The guy who was leading the group was an exceptional uphill runner but terrible on the downhill. After he threw the brakes on 4 or 5 times going down, my competitive edge set in and I took off. This was definitely the hardest I pushed myself in a long time. After we got about 5 miles out, I stopped to tie my shoe and waited up for him. I gave him some advice on running downhill and finished up the run.

Afterwards the group ~20 people went to Red Rocks Grill in Morrison. I ended up sitting with a guy from Morocco (I think) named Naz, his friend and a girl named Faith. Faith and I really hit it off and she said that she played on an Ultimate Frisbee team on Wednesdays!! I really hope that works out, I haven't play frisbee in so long!

Friday was a typical day at school, just giving tests and happy hour with the teachers. It was Brad's (student teacher) last day, so we all went out to a little bar called Caps and had few drinks. That night I met up with Faith and went out to a place called Steuben's. They had awesome food and crazy drinks. We decided to split this thing called a "Scorpion." So this huge freakin bowl with a flame in the middle comes out (which always means 151) and immediately I knew what we were getting ourselves into. So after dinner we decided it would be in our best interests to walk to Delaney's (a bar a couple of blocks away) instead of driving.

Delaney's was a blast. I hadn't been to a bar with so many younger people in a long time. There was a live band playing and tons of students and fresh graduates. We hung out there for a while then walked to meet up with some of her friends at another bar. When we left, it was like the Great Flood. It was raining so hard - the first time I've seen that since I moved out here. I love a good thunderstorm though.

So Saturday I was not feeling too hot since I can't sleep in pass 7:00 am anymore. But I had to checkout two apartments that I was thinking about for next year. Both of them were really big and decently priced, but the second is a little larger, has a bar in between the living room and kitchen, a balcony and a flippin fireplace!!! Not to mention High Line trail is directly behind it, there's a large pool, bball court, tennis court and a sand volleyball court. SOLD!! I spent the rest of the day going in and out of sleep and watching Indiana Jones.

So that brings us to today. I woke up early and headed over to High Line and had an excellent 13 mile run with Ashley, then put my deposit down for my new pad :)

Last but not least, I'm going to Florida June 10 with Eug and celebrating Joey's (Jake's cousin) graduation. And......Deener bought her plane ticket and is flying into Denver June 5!!!!!! I can't wait :)

1 comment:

Alecia said...

That trail is gorgeous and your new apartment sounds SWEET! So excited for you! :)